Factors affecting the exhaust volume of oil-free air compressors

        Social News


  2024-06-01 09:33:10



    The development of the technological era has led to more and more mechanical equipment replacing labor. The rise and prosperity of the compressor industry has also driven the development of many industries. Oil-free air compressors, as one of the compressor models, are very popular today. So when we use oil-free air compressors, we find that its exhaust volume is not very good. What is the reason? Today, Yingpeng Xiaobian will tell you what are the factors that affect the exhaust volume of oil-free air compressors.

The factors that affect the exhaust volume of oil-free air compressors are as follows:


 Intake state: The air compressor is a volumetric compression machine, and the volume of the intake air remains unchanged. When the temperature of the intake air rises, or the resistance of the intake pipeline is too large and the intake pressure is reduced, the density of the gas decreases, and the mass exhaust volume of the gas will be reduced accordingly.

 Leakage: The rotors and the rotors and the shell are not in contact during operation, and a certain gap is maintained, so gas leakage will occur. When the gas with increased pressure leaks through the gap to the intake pipe and the meshing groove of the intake air, the exhaust volume will be reduced. In order to reduce the leakage, sealing teeth are made on the top of the driven rotor, sealing grooves are opened on the root of the active rotor, and ring-shaped or strip-shaped sealing teeth are also processed on the end face. If these sealing lines are worn, the leakage will increase and the exhaust volume will decrease.

     Speed: The exhaust volume of the air compressor is proportional to the speed, and the speed often changes with the voltage and frequency of the power grid. When the voltage decreases (for asynchronous motors) or the frequency decreases, the speed will decrease, reducing the gas volume.

     Cooling effect: The temperature of the gas will rise during the compression process, and the temperature of the rotor and the casing will also rise accordingly. Therefore, during the inhalation process, the gas will be heated by the rotor and the casing and expand, so the inhalation volume will be reduced accordingly. Some air compressor rotors are cooled with oil, and the casing is cooled with water. One of the purposes is to reduce its temperature. When the cooling effect is not good, the temperature will rise and the exhaust volume will decrease.


     Of course, there are far more factors affecting the actual exhaust volume of oil-free air compressors than these. Users are reminded to take the above points into consideration when choosing oil-free air compressors to avoid insufficient exhaust volume and failure to keep up with production in the future.