Industrial electric wrench, have you chosen the right one?

        Cooperation Information


  2024-06-21 09:42:20



  1. In order to ensure the safety of the use of Industrial electric wrench, the first step is to clarify the use steps, including:

    1.Confirm whether the industrial mark of the wrench is consistent with the working environment, and check whether the handle and switch of the wrench are intact.

    2. Ensure that the power cord, cable and plug have industrial characteristics within the working range of the electric wrench and meet the relevant standards.

    3. Before starting the electric wrench, make sure there is no flammable gas, steam, liquid or dust around. At the same time, check whether the battery and charger of the wrench are intact and use them correctly in accordance with regulations.

    4. During use, the wrench should be kept stable to avoid collision or falling. At the same time, pay attention to the operation of the wrench. If there is any abnormal sound or vibration, it should be stopped and checked immediately.

    5. After use, clean the wrench in time and store it in a dry and ventilated place. At the same time, regularly inspect and maintain the wrench to ensure its normal operation and extend its service life.

  2. In addition, the following safety matters need to be noted:

    1. During use, appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, etc., should be worn to avoid injury.

    2. Do not use the electric wrench near the power line to avoid electric shock or short circuit.

    3. Do not use the electric wrench when the battery is charging to avoid overheating or explosion of the battery.

    4. During use, you should maintain a stable mentality and emotions, and do not be overly nervous or impatient.

    In short, in order to ensure the safe use of industrial electric wrench, you need to strictly follow the use steps and pay attention to safety matters. If you have any questions or problems, it is recommended to consult professionals or manufacturers in time.