Generator operating procedures

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  2024-06-21 09:27:51



  1. Introduction

    Generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is widely used in industry, agriculture, construction and other fields. In order to ensure the safe operation of the generator and extend its service life, it is necessary to formulate a set of operating procedures. This article will introduce the operating procedures of the generator in detail, including the preparations before operation, the start and stop of the generator, and the precautions during operation.

  2. Preparations before operation

    1. Confirm whether the working environment of the generator meets the requirements, including good ventilation and no flammable substances. 2. Check whether the appearance of the generator is intact and whether there are any damaged or loose parts.

    3. Check whether the electrical connections of the generator, such as cables and plugs, are firm and reliable.

    4. Check whether the oil level and coolant level of the generator are within the normal range.

    5. Make sure that the power switch of the generator is in the off state.

  3.  Start of the generator

    1. Open the fuel supply valve of the generator and adjust it to the appropriate position.

    2. Turn on the power switch of the generator, start the motor, and start the generator to rotate.

    3. When the generator speed reaches the rated speed, turn on the excitation switch of the generator to make the generator generate electricity. 4. Monitor whether the output voltage and frequency of the generator are stable at the rated value.

    5. Check the running status of the generator to ensure that there is no abnormal noise, vibration or oil leakage.

  4.  Precautions during operation

    1. When the generator is running, the oil volume and coolant level should be checked regularly, and they should be added or replaced in time.

    2. When the generator is running, the ventilation in the machine room should be kept good to avoid overheating.

    3. When the generator is running, the electrical connection should be checked regularly to see if it is loose and if there is abnormal discharge.

    4. When the generator is running, the outside and inside of the generator should be cleaned regularly to prevent dust accumulation from affecting the heat dissipation effect.

    5. When the generator is running, if abnormal noise, vibration or other abnormal conditions are found, it should be stopped immediately for inspection.

  5. Stopping the generator

    1. Turn off the load switch of the generator to stop the generator from supplying power.

    2. Turn off the excitation switch of the generator to stop the generator from generating electricity.

    3. Turn off the power switch of the generator to stop the generator from rotating.

    4. Turn off the fuel supply valve of the generator to cut off the fuel supply.

    5. Check the running status of the generator and ensure that it is completely stopped before leaving the site.

  6.  Emergency handling

    1. If there is an emergency such as fire during the operation of the generator, the power supply should be cut off immediately and fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment should be used to extinguish the fire.

    2. If there is an emergency such as electrical failure during the operation of the generator, the power supply should be cut off immediately and the maintenance personnel should be notified to handle it.

  7.  Summary The formulation and implementation of the generator operating procedures are of great significance to ensure the safe operation of the generator and extend its service life. By complying with the operating procedures, the risk of accidents can be reduced and the working efficiency of the generator can be improved. When operating the generator, be sure to strictly follow the procedures and regularly